Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday July 24th, 2010 PM

Today Alyson woke up at 5:30 and told Pauline she was ready to get up and sit in her chair.

So Pauline and the nurse got her up and she sat in the chair for 2 hours.

She didn't eat much for breakfast or supper, but she did eat some fruit at lunch time.

Pop Pop and Grandma Bailey were there this morning, and Pauline was able to get out and get her hair cut. The Baileys headed home at noon.

Paul and Paula, and Ben and Annie came by and all had a great visit with Alyee. Paul and Paula were witnesses to the orchestrated event of getting her and all her attached hardware from the bed to the chair. Alyson was glad to see them and it she had a good time talking to all of them.

Paul and Paula were then kind enough to take Pauline an I out for a lovely lunch. We thank them for that break.

Elyse Bridges came by after she got off of camp, and from what I hear, she and Alyee shared some laughs together.

Pauline left for camp after lunch for a much needed rest. She has been at the hospital for 5 nights in a row. Mannys step mom Andrea and his two little sisters came in this afternoon and were there with Manny for the evening. Manny is spending the night.

The doctors are trying to raise Alyees sodium level, so they are giving her a higher concentration of saline solution in an IV and some sort of salt liquid that Alyson does not like. She was trying to make a deal with the nurse this afternoon, that if she ate lots of salty foods, could she get out of taking the salty solution. That wasn't going to get her anywhere.

She has 5 IV bags hanging off of the hangers on her bed, being pumped into her today.

What is very interesting is that when they give her some sort a shot through the IV in her arm, she can taste it. When the nurse was giving her a shot today, her face scrunched up and she said it tasted terrible. Just wondering how she can taste something that is going into her arm?

The brain drain looks like fruit punch today.

Her attitude was very good today. She still sleeps alot, but when she is awake, she is alert, and her eyes are really open and looking around.

The pain down her neck and back is still just as bad. Today I heard her tell the nurse it was 6 on a scale of 10.

She did take one small walk today, but was too tired to really go any longer.

This afternoon she was singing a song to Manny in an attempt to persude him to come over and rub her neck and back. Making up the words as she went along. I believe it worked.

She talked to her Grandma Kerr and Auntie Cathie on the phone.

From the familys perspective she had a very good day and seems to better than yesterday in small but important ways. Pauline is happy to be sleeping in a real bed tonight. She is very tired.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hi and glad you're feeling better. So happy you have a lot of visitors keeping you company. We just sent off some get well cards and pictures to you Ms. Ally, they should be getting there soon. Will keep praying and keeping you in my thoughs. We will come see you very soon.
    Love you and God Bless, Ms. Ally.
    Miles Drignet
    (The entire Drignet Family)
