Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday July 16, 2010

Greetings from the ICU unit of Shands hospital. This will the one and only update for today.

Manny and I both decided to drive home late last night to care of things at home. Pauline spent the night at the hospital. Manny and I arrived back at the hospital around 3:30pm.

This morning was the day that Alyee had been hoping for all week. We had been talking to the nurses and her doctor about the possibilty of having Mr Griffin (her dog) come up for a visit. Pauline had found a dog in the halls of the hospital 2 days ago, and talked the owner into bringing the puppy in to see Alyson. The dog sat on her lap, and Alyee laughed and smiled so much with that dog there. It wasn't even a minute, when another nurse came in and said that dogs were not allowed in the ICU and that they needed to take him out. So he left after a brief visit. The next day Alsyon did not remember seeing a dog, and she was sad she could not remember it.

Yesterday the nurse said that he thought it would be possible to get Mr Griffin in here. Pauline made some inquiries this morning, and they said if we did not make a big scene, carried him in under a blanket, and got him into the room without barking, we could pull the privacy curtain in her room, and she could see the dog. The day nurse today got in on the caper, and was prepared to do her part.

Andrea brought the dog into the hospital. Out in the lobby, they put it on Paulines shoulder like a baby, and covered him up with a blanket. Pauline then walked down the hall, past about 10 other rooms and the nurses station, like she was carrying a baby. Once in the room, they closed the door, and pulled the curtain, so others in the hall could not see what was happening. They put Mr Griffin right on her bed, and he was just as excited to see her, as she was to see him.

Mr Griffin did not move from her side for about 2 hours. It was a great day for Alyson.

The picture says it all and it is priceless.

At 3:00am they came in and took an x-ray of her lungs. She has quite a bit of fluid in her lungs, and they are still concerned about that, but she seems to be handling it very well.

She did get out of bed today, and she had a sponge bath. She felt that she was beginning to smell bad and wanted to smell nice for when Manny got back.

The fluid draining out of her head is much clearer today. It looks more like clean motor oil, but to her mother it looks like pink lemonade.

Dr Mocco came in this afternoon, and was really pleased with the progress she is making. Her age is totally in her favor, and things are progressing well. He was glad Alyee saw her dog, and believes that will help her as well.

Grandma and Pop Pop Bailey were here again today, and they left for home in the afternoon.

Andrea went home and took Mr Griffin with her.

Alyson enjoys the Subway sandwiches more than any of the hospital foods that have been brought in. When the TV is on, it is on the Animal Planet channel.

Today she does remember what happened yesterday, or at least alot of it. Her voice is much stronger, and she is talking alot. She continues to do her breathing exercies every hour to help clear her lungs, and what used to be hourly visits to be pinched, poked and proded, now are every two hours.

As predicted the pain is now going down her back, and she feels it. The neck is still very sore, as is her head.

Pauline will be spending the night again, Manny is headed back to camp, as this weeks camp is over tomorrow, and things need to be cleaned up and shut down before the entire staff has a day off. He will be back just as soon as possible tomorrow.

Many small steps were taken today, and she is making progress.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you updated tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I was able to talk to her today. She sounded good. I am very glad that she was able to see Mr. Giffin today I know that her dog is her life. She is looking much better. Give her a hug for me and let her know that she is in my prayers <3
